Ornamental Fish Types of Fresh Water
Very nice fish farm to be developed as additional income and use of yard to be able to produce. Both aquaculture and ornamental fish consumption. Currently, the government strongly supports fisheries.
Many kinds of ornamental fish. But this time I will share about the types of freshwater fish with huge potential to be developed for market share not only from domestic but also can be exported to foreign countries. Potential for ornamental fish cultivated are as follows :
1. Discus ornamental fish
Discus ornamental fish (Symhysodonodiscus) is one of the ornamental fish from the waters of the Amazon river Brazil precisely. Discus ornamental fish in enjoy by various countries. That is why the ornamental fish Discus become a very good business opportunity. Ornamental Fish Discus potential for cultivated in Indonesia, because the interest in the country are also not inferior to foreign applicants.
In addition to the local market but can be sold for ornamental fish Discus is also a high expornya commodity. Discus ornamental fish has a characteristic flat-bodied and round with a brownish color. A pair of Discus fish can be placed in the aquarium 75 x 35 35 cm, clear water quality is indispensable for the development of the fish, the temperature around 28 - 300 C pH (degree of acidity) 5-6 than that dissolved oxygen content should be high enough that larger + of 3 ppm (pxrt per million).
Discus ornamental fish that have been aged 15-20 months had developed to reproduce. Discus fish food is homemade food on the market, water fleas, worms, and cuk.
2. Ornamental Fish Severum
Ornamental fish severum (Cichlosoma) is an ornamental fish from the waters of the United States. Characteristic of ornamental fish tibuhnya severum is short, flat and fat. Berfariasi severum fish color between black and fawn keciklatan.
Severum ornamental fish are also very potential to be developed in Indonesia. Severum fish can be cultivated in the aquarium or cement tanks. Severum ornamental fish require water quality with pH 5.5 to 7, and the water temperature 21-25 degrees Celsius.
Ornamental fish severum one-year-old with a size of 12-15 cm has been developed to reproduce. Male parent is larger than the female parent. Makannan is cukl severum fish, water fleas, worms and other silk.
3. Ornamental Fish Rainbow
Rainbow ornamental fish ornamental fish is a very potential to be developed in Indonesia. It is not clear where these fish came from. There are two known types of rainbow fish, fish Rainbow Papua (Irian) and Rainbow fish Sulawesi.
Irian his trademark rainbow fish is basically silvery color with a dark metallic color. Sulawesi rainbow fish typically are yellow with the color olive Kunin at the bottom.
But many in interest is that of Irian rainbow fish. Ornamental fish breeding rainbow by gluing their eggs on water plants. Rainbow ornamental fish require water quality crystal clear with the temperature 23-26 degrees Celsius.
During the process of laying the water should really meet the standard required and necessary change of water once a week. Rainbow fish food is a choke, water fleas, worms and other zambut.
4. Ornamental Fish Niasa
Ornamental fish Niasa (auratus) is an ornamental fish that has hallmark elongated body shape is rather flat with a solid black base color or golden yellow. Niasa ornamental fish are aggressive fish so need to be careful if you want to mix with other ornamental fish.
Required water quality ornamental fish niasa is PH = 7 with the water temperature between 24-27 degrees Celsius. Niasa ornamental fish can be cultured in cement tanks or aquariums. The height of the water for spawning between 30-35 cm.
Ornamental fish niasa seven-month-old with a size of 7 cm was developed to reproduce. Male parent discrete spots on the fins yellow spots on her anus, while the females do not punya.Makanan niasa fish are water fleas, larva, and others.
To buy Brazilian ornamental fish directly from the source, use B2Brazil.com (http://www.b2brazil.com), a comprehensive directory of Brazilian companies, including ornamental fish suppliers. B2Brazil.com is Brazil-based, and focused on facilitating business transactions between Brazil and the rest of the world. Be sure to verify the origins of the fish and compliance with applicable laws.