Selasa, 27 November 2012

Ancient Fish Manado in Indonesia make a scene of the World Research

Ancient Fish Manado in Indonesia make a scene of the World Research
Ancient Fish Manado tantrums Researchers World. Two fishermen from Malalayang, Manado, Justin Lahama and Delfie, did not think the fish catch on May 19, 2007 in the waters of the Bay of Manado quite a stir the world.
Because the fish are known to the scientists that the world kind menadoensis or Coelacanth Latimeria is actually an ancient fish thought to be extinct since 65 million years ago.
Now the fish has caused a stir on display and participants from various countries participated in the event the World Ocean Conference (WOC) and Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Summit, 11-15 May 2009.
Justin said the ancient fish hooks were arrested when caught hers. When drawn look of a fish with a length of about one meter and weighing 30 kg with white spots.
The fish was obtained at a depth of approximately 105 meters on the beach Malalayang, at 08.00 pm, May 19. "Although quite large, the fish do not seem to fight when dragged up into the boat," he said, telling the arrest.
According to data from various sources, Coelacanth is defined as "a hollow thorns" by the Greek coelia (hollow) and acanthos (thorn). It refers to the physical spiny fin hollow.
Coelacanth is a fish from an evolutionary offshoot of the oldest living jawed fish. It is estimated, has been extinct since the end of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, until a specimen was found in eastern South Africa, in the waters of the River Chalumna 1938.
However, since it was found in the Comoros coelacanth, the waters of Manado Tua Island in Sulawesi, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, and Garden Llaut St Lucia in South Africa.
In Indonesia, particularly around Manado, this species by local fish called the king of the sea. Coelacanth consists of about 120 species are known by the discovery of fossils. To date, there have been two living coelacanth species are found, the Comoros coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae and Sulawesi coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis.
"Until 1938, the fish closely related to lung fish is considered to have been extinct since the end of the Cretaceous, about 65 million years ago," said Dean of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Unsrat Manado, Prof. Masengie KWA.
According to him, there is a iktiologis (fish expert), Dr. JLB Smith then decrypt the fish and publishes an article in the journal Nature in 1939.
He gave the name to the fish Latimeria chalumnae new type, to commemorate the museum curator and the location of the discovery of the fish.
Search location of ancient fish that lived during the next dozen years and then get water Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean west of the habitat, where several hundred people are estimated to live at ocean depths of over 150 meters.
Outside the islands, until the 1990's some people also get caught in the waters of Mozambique, Madagascar and South Africa. However, it is still considered part of the population is more or less the same.
In 1998, sixty years after the discovery of a living fossil Comoros coelacanth, a fish caught sea king fishing nets in the waters of Manado Tua Island, North Sulawesi.
This fish has been long known by local fishermen, but there has not been known to exist in the world of science. Ancient fish that physically resemble Comoros coelacanth, the difference in color.
When the fish was caught with other species by two fishermen in Manado, the information is immediately horrendous citizens to be heard by North Sulawesi Governor SH Sarundajang. North Sulawesi Governor SH Sarundajang as the originator of executing WOC, immediately look for the fish by inviting a number of researchers from various scholars, both domestically and abroad.
The fish was immediately secured in the Department of Marine and Fisheries of North Sulawesi, kept in cold storage in order to continue to survive until the WOC and scientific interest. Now we just announcing that Indonesia sea there are no untouched natural human nosy hands. therefore let's continue to keep our earth's natural.

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